Turbo bonded 70-100 den
Rebonded polyurethane bond, also known as rebond foam or bonded foam, is a type of foam material that is created by grinding up scraps or leftover pieces of polyurethane foam and bonding them together using a polyurethane adhesive. The resulting material is then compressed and shaped into various forms such as sheets, blocks, or rolls.
Rebonded foam typically has a density of between 70D and 110D. The process of creating rebonded polyurethane foam is eco-friendly and cost-effective, as it utilizes recycled foam scraps that would otherwise go to waste. The resulting material is durable, resilient, and has a high density, making it suitable for use in a variety of applications such as cushioning for furniture, flooring underlayment, and gym mats.
Rebonded polyurethane foam can be customized to meet specific requirements by varying the density, hardness, and thickness of the foam. It can also be covered with various materials such as fabric, vinyl, or leather to enhance its aesthetic appeal and functionality.
Overall, rebonded polyurethane foam is a versatile and sustainable material that offers a wide range of benefits for both consumers and manufacturers.